Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters

Principle of Operation of Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters

Fig. 488 and Fig. 489 Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters are manufactured to provide high air or vapor handling capacities at low operating pressures. Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters are used to create moderately high vacuums and can only be installed discharging vertically downward. Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters are used primarily to evacuate vapors or gases and should be installed with a minimum length of discharge to keep back pressure low. Back pressure reduces the capacity of the unit.

Figure 488 Multi-Nozzle Exhauster with threaded connections
Sectional drawing of Figure 489 Multi-Nozzle Exhauster with flanged connections

Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters are used widely throughout industry to evacuate closed vessels, to prime centrifugal pumps, to pump air and gases, to handle mixtures of condensable and non-condensable gases, or to mix liquids and gases in continuous processing. Multi-Nozzle Water Jet Exhausters operate at ground level.

  • Evacuating a closed vessel.
  • Water vapor removal to maintain vacuum.
  • Evacuation and pump priming.
  • Distillation and mixing of chemicals.
Steam Jet Exhauster evacuating a closed vessel
Fig. 488 Exhauster Evacuating a Closed Vessel.
Typical system for evacuating a closed tank. Steam is employed to flush air from the tank, and steam remaining in treating chamber is condensed by the exhauster. This technique reduces evacuation time. This method is recommended for tanks having a capacity of more than 120 gallons. Details on this and similar applications are available on request.