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(Request Bulletin 5E-H)
(Request Bulletin 5E-H)
(Request Bulletin 2-A)
(Request Bulletin 3-A)
Types of Steam Jet Heaters:
(Request Bulletin 2-M and data supplement)
(Request Bulletin 4-E)
(Request Bulletin 2-SH)
Dry solids handling eductors are a maintenance-free replacement for rotary airlock valves in bulk feed applications. They employ motive air from a compressed air source or a blower to entrain and transport solids. The air source can be at pressure as low as 3 psig depending on the transport distance. The motive air is expanded across the nozzle creating a vacuum in the suction chamber drawing the product into the eductor. The motive air and entrained solids are carried through the diffuser section of the eductor and discharged into the conveying system.
(Request Bulletin 4-P and data supplement and Bulletin 265/485)
(Request Bulletin 4-F and data supplement)
(Request Bulletin 6D)
(Request Bulletin 7-S and data supplement)
(Request Bulletin 7-S and data supplement)
Throttle Trip Valves (Request Bulletin 8-C)
Check Valves (Request Bulletin 8-K)
S&K valves are available in a variety of configurations to suit your application requirements. Check valves (right) prevent backflow in steam and water lines to protect valuable equipment from damage. Throttle/Trip valves (left) provide effective flow control and emergency shut-off operation in a single, highly reliable valve assembly.
S&K is committed to providing quality valve service and repair, combined with rapid turnaround to ensure that all valves meet original design specifications and manufacturing tolerances.
Two-Stage, Twin Element Turbine Condenser Exhaust System with Hogging Ejector and Silencer. This vacuum system was designed and built at S&K’s extensive manufacturing facility for a major power systems company. The system is a standard application for the use of steam jets to exhaust the non-condensable gases from the main steam condenser down stream from a power turbine.
These two steam jet ejectors serve as part of the pressure recovery system at the U.S. Army’s high energy laser system test facility in White Sands, New Mexico. They are each 97 feet long with 96 inch diameter end-suction connections, and are among the largest ever manufactured anywhere. Each ejector handles a large quantity of low molecular weight gas at 120 Torr using the equivalent of 1.044 million pounds of steam per hour at 150 psig during the 14-second cycle.
A condenser exhaust vacuum system for the power industry is being tested to develop a performance curve over a series of design points.