jet ejector diagram
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How to use your plant’s steam, gas, air, or water to solve hundreds of everyday problems…

such as…

  • moving or pumping liquids and/or solids
  • moving or pumping air and gases
  • producing a vacuum
  • mixing two materials
  • heating liquid
  • scrubbing a gas…

…using the jet ejector.


  • Low-Level Condensers
  • Steam Jet Blowers
  • Barometric Condensers
  • Valves

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steam jet ejector

(Request Bulletin 5E-H)

  • Function: Produce vacuums ranging from 1″ Hg abs using steam as the motive fluid
  • Preferred vacuum producer in many
    applications due to low maintenance,
    simplicity of design, ability to handle gases
    under tough conditions, and their overall
  • Typically use steam or air as motive medium, however, many other gases can also be used
  • Units can be designed to discharge to elevated back pressures
  • Noncondensing types have the first stage jet ejector discharging directly into the second; the second into the third; and so on – used where initial cost takes priority over operating cost or when service is intermittent or when intercondensers are not feasible
  • Both condensing and noncondensing types can be supplied with aftercondensers, which condense steam and any condensable vapors before noncondensables are discharged to atmosphere
  • Complete packaged systems usually includes ejectors, shell and tube condensers with steam piping, cooling water piping between stages, steam regulator, gauges and instrumentation, assembled in one compact, custom designed package
  • Packages may include suction pressure control, steam regulators and many other options upon request
  • Packages are designed to fit within your limited floor space with process connections exactly where you need them
  • Slide it in, hook it up, and run it
  • Versatile, flexible, expandable design

(Request Bulletin 5E-H)

multi stage steam jet ejector
  • Function: Used in applications where single stage steam jet ejectors cannot provide low enough suction pressures economically
  • Supplied in two to six stages, depending on vacuum requirements
  • Suction pressure ranges:
    • Two-stage: 110 mm Hg abs to 3 mm Hg abs
    • Three-stage: 26 mm Hg abs to 0.8 mm Hg abs
    • Four-stage: 4 mm Hg abs to 75 μ Hg abs
    • Five-stage: 0.4 mm Hg abs to 10 μ Hg abs
    • Six-stage: 100 μ Hg abs to 3 μ Hg abs
  • Condensing types feature an intercondenser between ejectors
    that reduces steam consumption
  • Function: Combine steam jet ejectors and condensers with liquid ring vacuum pumps to create vacuums down to 0.5 mm Hg abs while minimizing utility costs
  • Motive force may be steam, compressed air, or atmospheric air
  • Like steam jet ejector systems, these may also be supplied as a package
hybrid vacuum system
jet syphon

(Request Bulletin 2-A)

  • Function: Pumping/lifting liquids using steam or air as the motive fluid; heating liquids; handling slurries and granular solids using steam as the motive fluid
  • Excellent for use in handling corrosive liquids, abrasive slurries, or granular solids
  • Enables you to heat and pump a suction fluid using the same energy source (steam)
  • Can use air as the motive fluid if the quantity of suction material is small, or if dilution / contamination cannot be tolerated
  • Can be automated with use of a snap valve and ball float arrangement
steam jet heaters

(Request Bulletin 3-A)

  • Function: Use steam to entrain, mix with, heat, and pump or circulate the suction fluid
  • Efficient operation: all the steam’s heat is absorbed by the liquid being heated
  • Eliminates need for additional agitating andcirculation equipment

Types of Steam Jet Heaters:

  • Quiet” heater is submerged in liquid to be heated, and uses atmospheric air to prevent the significant noise and vibration of steam bubbles’ collapse
  • Sparger nozzles are used where heat must be distributed uniformly over a large area
  • Circulating heaters provide heating and strong directional circulating action in open tanks
  • Continuous heater connects directly to water and steam lines
  • Instantaneous heater provides an immediate supply of hot water
  • Slurry heater is used primarily to cook grain, mash, or similar materials

(Request Bulletin 2-M and data supplement)

  • Function: Lifting, pumping, mixing, and agitating liquids; handling slurries and granular solids
  • Use the kinetic energy of one liquid to cause
    the flow of another
  • Some designs can be automated with a snap valve and ball float arrangement; others are
    equipped with integral hopper and hopper
    wash-down nozzle for efficient handling of
    slurries and dry, granular solids

(Request Bulletin 4-E)

  • Function: Pump/move air and gases at moderately high vacuum using live steam or compressed air as the motive fluid
  • Consists of converging diverging nozzle, diffuser,
    regulating spindle and body
  • Spindle provides efficient operation over a wide
    range of suction capacities and motive pressures

(Request Bulletin 2-SH)

Dry solids handling eductors are a maintenance-free replacement for rotary airlock valves in bulk feed applications. They employ motive air from a compressed air source or a blower to entrain and transport solids. The air source can be at pressure as low as 3 psig depending on the transport distance. The motive air is expanded across the nozzle creating a vacuum in the suction chamber drawing the product into the eductor. The motive air and entrained solids are carried through the diffuser section of the eductor and discharged into the conveying system.


(Request Bulletin 4-P and data supplement and Bulletin 265/485)

  • Function: Perform vacuum pumping operations using pressurized water as the motive fluid
  • Available in single nozzle and multi-nozzle types
  • Multi-nozzle type features 6 or more nozzles; used where very high capacities are required
    or where there is a limited supply of pressure water
  • Other liquids can be used as motive fluid for special applications
  • Pull vacuums to within 1/2″ Hg of vapor pressure of motive liquid

(Request Bulletin 4-F and data supplement)

  • Function: Circulate steam, boost low-pressure steam, and mix gases in a desired proportion using steam, gas or air as the motive fluid; also used to mix with a fuel gas to produce mixed gas with specific BTU values
  • Added benefits: jet compressors take the place of a reducing valve; and salvage much of the energy lost in the reduction of operating pressure
  • Operate by using a jet of high pressure motive fluid to entrain and mix with a low pressure suction fluid, bringing pressure to an intermediate point
  • Thermocompressors use steam as both the motive and suction fluids; save energy by recovering waste steam and combining it with higher pressure steam for reuse in the process, such as paper machine dryers, evaporators, crystallizers and heaters
  • Can be equipped with manual or automatic spindles for regulating flow through the nozzle

(Request Bulletin 6D)

  • Function: Reduce steam temperature in power or process applications by introducing water in the steam line through atomization or surface absorption.
  • Widest variety of desuperheater designs up to 5000 psig
  • Venturi, Annular Venturi, Attemperator, Surface Absorption, Ejector Atomizing designs to meet a complete range of system requirements
  • Saturated steam temperature achievable with infinite turn down units
  • Materials available (carbon, steel, alloy steel and stainless steel)
  • Complete instrumentation and control packages available

(Request Bulletin 7-S and data supplement)

  • Function: Effectively remove noxious gases, particulates, odors, fumes, and dusts from process streams; creates its own draft, eliminating the need for fans
  • Removes particulate
    contaminants through
    impaction by a high velocity
    spray of the scrubbing liquid
  • Helps eliminate gases and
    odors through adsorption
    and/or chemical reaction
    between the gases and
    scrubbing liquid
  • Efficiencies as high as 99% or
    more in a single stage system
  • Can be mounted on an existing discharge or storage tank; or
    provided with an S&K gas/liquid separator

(Request Bulletin 7-S and data supplement)

  • Fully customized, complete engineered solutions
  • Slide it in, hook it up, and run it
  • Versatile, flexible, expandable
  • Tolerates system upsets
  • Lowers installed cost
  • Quick S&K response for sizing it, packaging it, and delivering it to you in as few as 4 weeks

Throttle Trip Valves (Request Bulletin 8-C)
Check Valves (Request Bulletin 8-K)

Check and Throttle/Trip valves

S&K valves are available in a variety of configurations to suit your application requirements. Check valves (right) prevent backflow in steam and water lines to protect valuable equipment from damage. Throttle/Trip valves (left) provide effective flow control and emergency shut-off operation in a single, highly reliable valve assembly.

S&K is committed to providing quality valve service and repair, combined with rapid turnaround to ensure that all valves meet original design specifications and manufacturing tolerances.

Two-Stage, Twin Element Turbine Condenser Exhaust

Two-Stage, Twin Element Turbine Condenser Exhaust System with Hogging Ejector and Silencer. This vacuum system was designed and built at S&K’s extensive manufacturing facility for a major power systems company. The system is a standard application for the use of steam jets to exhaust the non-condensable gases from the main steam condenser down stream from a power turbine.

two steam jet ejectors at the U.S. Army’s high energy laser system test facility in White Sands, New Mexico

These two steam jet ejectors serve as part of the pressure recovery system at the U.S. Army’s high energy laser system test facility in White Sands, New Mexico. They are each 97 feet long with 96 inch diameter end-suction connections, and are among the largest ever manufactured anywhere. Each ejector handles a large quantity of low molecular weight gas at 120 Torr using the equivalent of 1.044 million pounds of steam per hour at 150 psig during the 14-second cycle.

condenser exhaust vacuum system

A condenser exhaust vacuum system for the power industry is being tested to develop a performance curve over a series of design points.