Sizing Data – Ejector Venturi Gas Scrubbers

  • Type 7010 Scrubbers
  • Type 7014 Scrubber/Separator Systems


The capacity tables in this brochure permit the user to size a Type 7010 or Type 7014 Ejector-Venturi Scrubber System to meet specific volume requirements (consult Bulletin 7S for a complete description of these scrubbers). The scrubbers covered by this booklet include 3″ through 60″ Type 7010 Scrubbers and 3″ through 12″ Type 7014 Scrubber/Separator Systems. Of course, a number of other variables must be considered before specifying a scrubber for a particular application. To obtain a detailed recommendation and price quotation on an ejector-venturi scrubbing system, submit your requirements on our Scrubber Application Data Form and send it to your local S&K representative or the factory.

Data on larger and/or specially constructed units can be furnished on request.


All capacity tables in this booklet are based on using water (specific gravity 1.00) as the motive liquid. If a liquid other than water is to be used, its specific gravity must be multiplied by the motive liquid pressures shown in the tables (20, 40, 60, 80 or 100 psig). The resulting number is the actual operating pressure required to obtain the results shown by the table at the various liquid pressures and rates.

Graph 1. Particulate Removal Efficiency –
Type 7014 Systems*

Type 7014 graph

*Curve represents efficiency range of typical sizes of Type 7014 Scrubber/Separator systems. Efficiency is also dependent on scrubbing liquid pressure at the scrubber nozzle, grain loading of the inlet gas and true density.

Type 7014 diagram

Table 1. Gas Handling Capacities – Type 7010 Scrubbers With Small Nozzles

Table 1. Gas Handling Capacities - Type 7010 Scrubbers With Small Nozzles

Table 2. Gas Handling Capacities – Type 7010 Scrubbers With Standard Nozzles

Table 2. Gas Handling Capacities - Type 7010 Scrubbers With Standard Nozzles

Table 3. Gas Handling Capacities – Type 7010 Scrubbers With Large Nozzles

Table 3. Gas Handling Capacities - Type 7010 Scrubbers With Large Nozzles

Table 4. Gas Handling Capacities –
Type 7014 Systems With Small Nozzles

Table 4. Gas Handling Capacities -
Type 7014 Systems With Small Nozzles

Table 5. Gas Handling Capacities –
Type 7014 Systems With Standard Nozzles

Table 5. Gas Handling Capacities -
Type 7014 Systems With Standard Nozzles

Table 6. Gas Handling Capacities –
Type 7014 Scrubbers With Large Nozzles

Table 6. Gas Handling Capacities -
Type 7014 Scrubbers With Large Nozzles